Monday, July 13, 2009

The one hangover cure!

Bad mornings are almost always the sign of great nights. But what if you want to have your fun one night and still be able to live your life the next day?
Or at least make it off the couch before 2 p.m.

Well, fellow party people, I have finally found the solution. If I had had this back in college, I might not have failed out! But seriously, I did manage to get my degree in the pharmaceutical field, emphasizing natural cures and interestingly, it lead me to checking out ultimate hangover cure that very few people know about.
The common solution that you’ll hear from your parents or personal doctor is to not engage in binge drinking at all. But come on, we all love and need to party on occasion.
Next, they may tell you some of these tips, which are actually pretty helpful, practical methods of a home remedy cure a bad hangover:

Drink a glass of water or two before going to bed
The primary cause of a hangover is dehydration, so if you can manage to drunkenly get some non-alcoholic liquids in your system before passing out, your going to be in much better shape the next day. One trick I suggest is that you fill up a nice, icy water bottle and store it somewhere you can easily remember and access when you return home- I like to put one on the top shelf of my fridge, or if I know I’m really going to be hammered, I might even set it next to my futon or bed.

Eat well while (or before) drinking
Of course, if you start drinking on an empty stomach, you’re going get get drunk fast! Unfortunately, though, you’re not going to last long out there and getting to work or class the next day may be impossible. If you focus on eating carbohydrate-heavy foods, like breads and pasta, you may find that its easier to pack away the booze. In fact, you could potentially be drinking your friends under the table if you do a good job of lining your stomach beforehand. To this, I’ll add my personal trick: MILK. Whenever I drink a glass of milk before I hit the bars, I find that my stomach is much more accepting of copious (read: ridiculously large) amounts of alcohol.

Why is this? Well, I’m not a doctor, but as I understand it, milk is a very basic substance that also aids the lining of your stomach in repairing itself. Did you know? Every three days, your stomach lining essentially replaces itself. It has to because the gastric acid it secretes is constantly wearing away the tissue. By lining your stomach with a basic liquid, such as milk, you are helping it protect itself from an increasingly acidic environment- alcohol is certainly not helping your stomach keep itself together.

Take an Aspirin™
This is one piece of advice that I am sure to never follow, but in a pinch, taking any over the counter pain medication before drinking can help reduce the likelihood of a hangover the next day.
Why don’t I take this advice? Pain medication (and many other medications that we take) are hard on the liver, which is the best organ we’ve got when it comes to processing and disposing of the liquor we put in our systems. Like alcohol, they must be processed by the liver, and this requires time and work.

Try a Wheatgrass Hangover Remedy
This might seem a little out there, but (AFFILIATE) is an excellent place to buy wheatgrass, a special type of drink that can make you feel great regardless of whether or not you are suffering from a hangover.
Did you know that pomegranate juice can serve as a hangover cure? Believe it or not, it can actually fix a hangover if you drink it with some toast for breakfast. Similar to wheatgrass, the high content of antioxidants helps rehydrate, replenish and restore your body after a rough night out.
How long does a hangover last?
You’d be shocked to know that I had a friend who once experienced a hangover that lasted over a week long! Granted, he had severe alcohol poisoning and whenever he drank water, more alcohol was released into his system as it was residing on the sides of his stomach. Luckily, he was given an iv and medical treatment. The doctor’s told his family that had he come into the hospital perhaps thirty minutes later, he would have most certainly died. Scary stuff.
So there you go. There are some great tips and remedies to prevent a hangover.
For you party animals who have made hangovers a part of your life here is some industrial strength info
thats guaranteed to work!

All The best,
Glenn Fedoruk

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